32.8K 2.5K
4.6K 396
57.5K 1.7K
25.9K 785
121.5K 5.5K
14.8K 486
21.3K 818
502.2K 14.4K
95.4K 2.2K
120.9K 3.8K
88.7K 2.5K
28.6K 2.4K
290.4K 7.5K
10.8K 827
79.5K 2.1K
37.2K 1.8K
126.4K 3.1K
14.3K 899
310.9K 10.7K
13.1K 1.1K
4K 165
13.1K 798
5.9K 372
6.5K 342
12.9K 930
15.6K 1.3K
11.5K 592
32.8K 2.5K
4.6K 396
57.5K 1.7K
25.9K 785
121.5K 5.5K
385 19
2.3K 81
3.5K 156
212 15
318 78
249 20
404 22
263 14
837 175
300 15
435 31
686 136
387 32
385 19
2.3K 81
3.5K 156
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DEFCAD, Inc. All rights reversed.
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DEFCAD files and other hardware are not currently available to persons outside the United States and are not available to residents of and persons in the State of New Jersey who do not possess a federal firearms license.
Since Jan. 1 2021, no warrants have been served to defcad.com principals or employees. No searches or seizures have been performed on defcad.com