
DEFCAD Newsletter - Pump Signal Launcher, Printable Battle Rifle, New AR Mag

October 18, 2022

Welcome back to the DEFCAD newsletter! With another issue comes another new set of releases - some of which are quite major! We will cover some major hardware today, but also some projects that really embody the DIY spirit of guncad.

Time is running short on our special coupon code for! This code was sent to us by Laffs Dynamics: use code LAFFS to get 10% off any laser-engraved magazine on the website! The code expires on November 9th, so act fast!

Pump-Action Signal Launcher

The world of signal launchers continues to put out innovation after innovation, and the latest is the world’s first repeating launcher design: the dual-release B.A.L.L.S. and Sm.A.L.L.S. from Dannymeatball! These launchers use a satisfying pump action to cycle the rounds; the B.A.L.L.S. fires the traditional 37mm rounds while the Sm.A.L.L.S. is sized for 26.5mm rounds. Magazine capacity is 95mm overall length, which translates to around three shells.

Danny’s B.A.L.L.S. is a fantastic advance in launcher designs and in guncad designs generally. We have seen other pump action designs before, such as the recently released Monarch, but the pump in these designs essentially just facilitates moving a modified AR bolt. The B.A.L.L.S. is the first printed gun of any sort that DIYs the entire repeating assembly - the magazine, the elevator, the locking mechanism, etc. The technical advance here is significant and Danny should be recognized for it!

Of course, this technical advance does mean that the build is rather daunting. Danny has included very good documentation on the matter, which is split up into multiple subassemblies to help reduce the complexity. Also, several of these subassemblies have multiple ways of fabricating certain parts, several of which include using SCS to cut custom metal shapes. I believe that we will see more builds involving custom metal cuts like this in the future, and so it is exciting to see this here.

Note that at least two parts kits sellers have kits available for this build: INMC and Deadhead Parts. Check them out to get all your parts in one place!

AWCY’s CEMTE 2077 Release!

It’s finally here! Long awaited for over a year, AWCY’s CETME-C design has dropped. This design allows the construction of a .308 semiauto battle rifle using the commonly available CETME-C parts kits. The build is difficult but is extensively documented in both the release package documentation and an official build guide video. It was also subjected to a thousand-round torture test, which it passed!

This is the second CETME-C design released, the first being the Amigo Grande. These designs differ in a few ways, most notably being the way that the barrel is secured to the receiver. The Amigo Grande uses a press-fit clamshell design that requires demilling the trunnion and cocking tube from the receiver, while the 2077 leaves these parts in place and uses threaded rods and plates to tension them against steel rail inserts. Note that these design differences do mean that build kits marketed specifically for the Amigo Grande, like the kits from MAF, will not work with the 2077 - an unmodified parts kit should be purchased instead.

This design requires slightly more advanced tools and techniques than most 3D printed guns. A hydraulic press and a drill press are required, and a welder may be used for one version (a weldless version is available as well.) Given the higher-power rounds we are working with here, this increased difficulty is not surprising. Take the build slow and carefully and follow the directions!

New Printable AR Magazine: Hochul Mag

It’s been over a year since the last printable AR mag release from the Gatalog - now a new design has dropped, the Hochul mag! The design is based on a gen 3 PMAG and it comes in multiple sizes: 10 rounds, 20, 30 and 40 founds. Windowed and non-windowed variants are available, and two different baseplates (standard and looped) are included as well. The build is well documented, so go check it out and get printing!

We haven’t seen many printable magazines lately; those we have seen have generally been pistol caliber, such as Danny’s D.R.U.M. or DMB42/43 mags (FFFTech’s Waco Waffle designs being a notable exception.) In any case, the Waffle Mag was the last released design for the AR platform, and so it is quite nice to see another entry into that field. While the gun grabbers haven’t yet succeeded in banning magazines, this isn’t for lack of trying, so each new printable magazine design should be considered highly valuable!

ScARpion Build-A-Bolt

Semiauto .22 designs are highly popular in guncad at the moment, and their popularity has led many people to attempt to design DIY alternatives to the aftermarket bolts they currently require. This release from HulkHoganHH is, to my knowledge, the first of these to release! It is a printable bolt design for the AWCY ScARpion, and is noted to be compatible with both dedicated AR22 barrels or Proto barrels. I hope that this is the first of many DIY .22 bolt options released!

Two Recent Release from DB Firearms

DBFirearms has been busy! He has brought us two recent releases of note on two popular platforms. His Perfect 10/22 Receiver is, of course, a printable receiver for 10/22 platforms that he notes is compatible with any chassis that takes an OEM receiver. His DB9 Slim is an iteration on his earlier DB9, and is a 9mm MAC-11 based platform that attempts to restore some of the MAC aesthetics that the original design lacked. 

I like to see iterations on earlier designs. In cases like the Slim, the iteration is purely aesthetic, but in other cases like the 10/22, we see real improvement from earlier attempts at creating this receiver. In both cases the guncad world is broadened. Thanks to DBFirearms for this work! Note that parts kits for his 10/22 and more can be found at

Bomblets, Grenades and Shotguns from Professor Parabellum

We are happy to conclude with yet more recent releases from Professor Parabellum. He continues his exploration of DIY explosive references with both his Printed Bomblet and his Gorazdanka grenade; he has also developed a simple hybrid 12ga single-shot shotgun with a new locking mechanism which he hopes to later use in pump or semiauto designs.

Both the bomblet design and the grenade design are plastic-bodied, which is presumably what piqued the Professor’s interest. The design for the Gorazdanka grenade, like the Gorazde mine, originates in the Bosnian War; the provenance of the bomblet is less clear, but it appears to descend from (or to be inspired by) the famous printed bomblets currently being employed in the current Ukrainian war.

The 12ga single-shot shotgun is noted to use a locking action that derives from the USAS-12 / AA-12. This is not the first time that Professor Parabellum has drawn inspiration from this platform. While the Professor describes this platform as a proving testbed, it is in fact a fully functioning firearm and instructions are provided for its fabrication. There aren’t many printable shotguns out there, so give this one a go!

Another week, another magnificent set of releases. This issue in particular contains some long-awaited items, and we’ve no doubt that the next issue will contain yet more. The golden age of guncad continues on. Remember that you can always find the latest releases, as well as projects going back to the earliest days of guncad, at DEFCAD.

Ghost Gunner 3s, GG3s, True Desktop CNC, by Defense Distributed