25.2K 858
11.9K 386
74.5K 4.2K
13.7K 590
401.6K 12.1K
57.6K 1.4K
86K 2.9K
51.3K 1.6K
23.5K 2.2K
8.5K 722
28.7K 1.4K
81.7K 2.2K
8.7K 646
272.5K 9.7K
2.5K 108
9.3K 663
4.3K 320
4.9K 275
10.4K 787
12.9K 1.2K
27.7K 2.3K
3.3K 190
86 8
69 8
178 13
157 7
153 11
140 38
101 5
1.6K 84
325 16
345 18
633 40
416 27
3K 120
284 18
644 35
591 169
342 78
738 47
560 161
370 82
644 99
359 75
488 83
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DEFCAD, Inc. All rights reversed.
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DEFCAD files and other hardware are not currently available to persons outside the United States and are not available to residents of and persons in the State of New Jersey who do not possess a federal firearms license.
Since Jan. 1 2021, no warrants have been served to defcad.com principals or employees. No searches or seizures have been performed on defcad.com