+16 Dmg Glock Mag Micro Camo Extension : Laffs Dynamics
This is a +16 mag extension for Glock double stack 9x19 NATO caliber mags. Specifically this is designed for Glock 17 mags, with the use of
Wolff branded 33rd extended mag springs; (See Note 1) though it can be used with any compatible mag body.
This design features a mag extension shell with the front face recessed to aid in mag retention within one's grasp when unloading/reloading
a pistol or PCC. A rear cover plate retains the extension shell on the mag body, and allows for easy removal of the mag spring and follower.
Compatible with Gen 3-4 Glock magazines.
Printer Used: Ender 3 V2
Filament Used: PLA+
Print Settings:
Extruder: 218C
Bed: 56C
First Layer Print Height: .20mm
Standard Layer Height: .16mm
Wall Thickness: .40
Wall Perimeters: 6+
Infill: 55%
Support Material Percentage: 20%
Hardware Needed:
1x Compatible OEM Mag Body (Such as: Gen 3 G17 mag, or a Gen 4 G19 mag)
1x 33rd Extended Length Mag Spring (Preferably Wolff)
1x Standard OEM Floorplate (For compressing the mag spring when assembling/disassembling)
6x M2x10 Screws (Pan Head, preferably with the head being 4mm in diameter)
1) Sand with FINE grit sandpaper the inside of the extension shell, and the matching face of the cover plate.
2) Slightly compress the mag body, and slide the extension shell on.
3) Place the OEM floorplate into it's recessed position, then slide the follower and extended mag spring up into the mag body.
Compress the spring and push the bottom coils onto the floorplate.
4) Place the cover plate on the rear of the extension shell, and drive six M2x10 screws in.
5) Load the magazine with 33 rounds, then dry cycle. Function check multiple times to ensure proper feeding.
File | Extension |
+16 Dmg Glock Mag Extension (Micro Camo).zip | zip |
Version: 1.0.0 latest
initial upload
+16 Dmg Glock Mag Micro Camo Extension : Laffs Dynamics
This is a +16 mag extension for Glock double stack 9x19 NATO caliber mags. Specifically this is designed for Glock 17 mags, with the use of
Wolff branded 33rd extended mag springs; (See Note 1) though it can be used with any compatible mag body.
This design features a mag extension shell with the front face recessed to aid in mag retention within one's grasp when unloading/reloading
a pistol or PCC. A rear cover plate retains the extension shell on the mag body, and allows for easy removal of the mag spring and follower.
Compatible with Gen 3-4 Glock magazines.
Printer Used: Ender 3 V2
Filament Used: PLA+
Print Settings:
Extruder: 218C
Bed: 56C
First Layer Print Height: .20mm
Standard Layer Height: .16mm
Wall Thickness: .40
Wall Perimeters: 6+
Infill: 55%
Support Material Percentage: 20%
Hardware Needed:
1x Compatible OEM Mag Body (Such as: Gen 3 G17 mag, or a Gen 4 G19 mag)
1x 33rd Extended Length Mag Spring (Preferably Wolff)
1x Standard OEM Floorplate (For compressing the mag spring when assembling/disassembling)
6x M2x10 Screws (Pan Head, preferably with the head being 4mm in diameter)
1) Sand with FINE grit sandpaper the inside of the extension shell, and the matching face of the cover plate.
2) Slightly compress the mag body, and slide the extension shell on.
3) Place the OEM floorplate into it's recessed position, then slide the follower and extended mag spring up into the mag body.
Compress the spring and push the bottom coils onto the floorplate.
4) Place the cover plate on the rear of the extension shell, and drive six M2x10 screws in.
5) Load the magazine with 33 rounds, then dry cycle. Function check multiple times to ensure proper feeding.
Feb 23, 2024
3D Printer
United States
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
File | Extension |
+16 Dmg Glock Mag Extension (Micro Camo).zip | zip |
Version: 1.0.0 latest
initial upload
The files shown on this site are only available to U.S. Persons, as defined at 22 C.F.R. 120.15. The files are also not available to persons outside the United States or to residents of and persons in the State of New Jersey, with the exception of Federal Firearms Licensees.