ARK 1.0 mod 42


Creator: kaewon

This is a modification of invader zip's ark 1.0 in 9mm using glock mags. It still uses the same parts kit but the all thread lengths are different.

Major changes: The handguard was shortened to 5" and made to 1 piece. Removed extra material around the barrel, handguard and lower bottom, along top by the rail and some other areas. Fixed charging handle groove. Fixed the charging handle to a straight shape instead of a finger groove as it made it tilt, scrape and hard to charge, as well as shortening it because it doesn't need to stick out that much. Changed to a printed charging handle detent as the screw didn't work and changed the upper to accommodate it better. Improved gas key channel and the design of the printed gas key. Flared mag well. Removed some of the material covering the trigger. Separated grip/stock to 2 pieces. Added some material on the stock so the nut provides more support to hold it on. Adjusted tolerances/alignment on a few places.


File Extension
ARK 1.0 revision zip


Version: 1.0.0 latest

initial upload


Creator: kaewon

This is a modification of invader zip's ark 1.0 in 9mm using glock mags. It still uses the same parts kit but the all thread lengths are different.

Major changes: The handguard was shortened to 5" and made to 1 piece. Removed extra material around the barrel, handguard and lower bottom, along top by the rail and some other areas. Fixed charging handle groove. Fixed the charging handle to a straight shape instead of a finger groove as it made it tilt, scrape and hard to charge, as well as shortening it because it doesn't need to stick out that much. Changed to a printed charging handle detent as the screw didn't work and changed the upper to accommodate it better. Improved gas key channel and the design of the printed gas key. Flared mag well. Removed some of the material covering the trigger. Separated grip/stock to 2 pieces. Added some material on the stock so the nut provides more support to hold it on. Adjusted tolerances/alignment on a few places.








Project Info

release date

Jul 12, 2023

artifact type

Printable project

library category

Printable Firearms

fabrication method

Primarily Printable

fabrication tool

3D Printer

release country

United States




No license

Firearm Info


Pistol-Caliber Carbine






File Extension
ARK 1.0 revision zip


Version: 1.0.0 latest

initial upload

The files shown on this site are only available to U.S. Persons, as defined at 22 C.F.R. 120.15. The files are also not available to persons outside the United States or to residents of and persons in the State of New Jersey, with the exception of Federal Firearms Licensees.

Ghost Gunner 3s, GG3s, True Desktop CNC, by Defense Distributed Ghost Gunner 3s, GG3s, True Desktop CNC, by Defense Distributed

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