Title: In the Gunroom
Creator: Major Gerald Burrard
Description: “It has so happened that for the past ten years I have been responsible for the answers given to all questions dealing with Rifles, Shotguns and their Cartridges which have been addressed to the Field. In the course of time, I found that certain questions seemed to be of more than passing interest to some individual, as they were constantly being asked at different times by different sportsmen. It was this fact which suggested the idea of publishing a series of those questions which seemed to be of general interest, and this idea resulted in one hundred such questions and answers appearing in the pages of the Field under the heading of " In the Gunroom." Quite a number of my friends have expressed their belief that the publication of this series in one single volume would prove of interest, and even help, to shooters in different parts of the world: and this is my only excuse for the appearance of this little book. But its publication could never have been possible without the permission of the Editor of the Field, to whom I would like to express my most real thanks for his great kindness in allowing me to reproduce what has already appeared in that paper.
On the whole, the questions and answers are the same as those which were originally published, but one or two have been slightly altered to a form which seems more suitable for a book. I offer this little volume to the shooting public with extreme diffidence and can only trust that it may prove of the same interest to that public as some of my friends have encouraged me to hope.”
Publisher: Herbert Jenkins Ltd. and Butler & Tanner Ltd
Date: 1930
Format: OCR PDF
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Title: In the Gunroom
Creator: Major Gerald Burrard
Description: “It has so happened that for the past ten years I have been responsible for the answers given to all questions dealing with Rifles, Shotguns and their Cartridges which have been addressed to the Field. In the course of time, I found that certain questions seemed to be of more than passing interest to some individual, as they were constantly being asked at different times by different sportsmen. It was this fact which suggested the idea of publishing a series of those questions which seemed to be of general interest, and this idea resulted in one hundred such questions and answers appearing in the pages of the Field under the heading of " In the Gunroom." Quite a number of my friends have expressed their belief that the publication of this series in one single volume would prove of interest, and even help, to shooters in different parts of the world: and this is my only excuse for the appearance of this little book. But its publication could never have been possible without the permission of the Editor of the Field, to whom I would like to express my most real thanks for his great kindness in allowing me to reproduce what has already appeared in that paper.
On the whole, the questions and answers are the same as those which were originally published, but one or two have been slightly altered to a form which seems more suitable for a book. I offer this little volume to the shooting public with extreme diffidence and can only trust that it may prove of the same interest to that public as some of my friends have encouraged me to hope.”
Publisher: Herbert Jenkins Ltd. and Butler & Tanner Ltd
Date: 1930
Format: OCR PDF
Nov 20, 2023
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