Title: Lawsuits, Rivalries, and Trolls: Examining the Behavior of the 3D-Printed Gun
Creator: Basra, Rajan; author
Creator: Mayer, Nathan; author
Subject: Insights; Technology; 3D Printing; 3D2A; GunCAD Community; Social Dynamics; Content Moderation
Description: The GNET research piece by Rajan Basra & Nathan Mayer that examines the adversarial nature or of GunCAD culture after the Everytown v. DEFCAD lawsuit.
This is the piece that identified IvantheTroll as John Elik.
Publisher: Global Network on Extremism & Technology
Publisher: GNET, academic research arm of the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT)
Date: 2024-09-10
Type: Text; Online article
Format: Online resource; OCR PDF
Identifier: https://gnet-research.org/2024/09/10/lawsuits-rivalries-and-trolls-examining-the-behaviour-of-the-3d-printed-gun-movement/
Language: English
File | Extension |
Ivan the Troll_Examining the Behaviour of the 3D-Printed Gun Movement – GNET.pdf |
Version: 1.0.0 latest
initial upload
Title: Lawsuits, Rivalries, and Trolls: Examining the Behavior of the 3D-Printed Gun
Creator: Basra, Rajan; author
Creator: Mayer, Nathan; author
Subject: Insights; Technology; 3D Printing; 3D2A; GunCAD Community; Social Dynamics; Content Moderation
Description: The GNET research piece by Rajan Basra & Nathan Mayer that examines the adversarial nature or of GunCAD culture after the Everytown v. DEFCAD lawsuit.
This is the piece that identified IvantheTroll as John Elik.
Publisher: Global Network on Extremism & Technology
Publisher: GNET, academic research arm of the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT)
Date: 2024-09-10
Type: Text; Online article
Format: Online resource; OCR PDF
Identifier: https://gnet-research.org/2024/09/10/lawsuits-rivalries-and-trolls-examining-the-behaviour-of-the-3d-printed-gun-movement/
Language: English
Sep 13, 2024
United States
No license
File | Extension |
Ivan the Troll_Examining the Behaviour of the 3D-Printed Gun Movement – GNET.pdf |
Version: 1.0.0 latest
initial upload
The files shown on this site are only available to U.S. Persons, as defined at 22 C.F.R. 120.15. The files are also not available to persons outside the United States or to residents of and persons in the State of New Jersey, with the exception of Federal Firearms Licensees.