MP5 Mags by DannyMeatball and J Taggert
Included in the file pack are 10 & 30rd MP5 patterned magazines.
The 10rd version has been tested with a 10rd Beretta magazine spring, and the 30rd version has been tested with an assortment of 30-33rd springs from different platforms.
These mags have been tested in many platforms as well:
File | Extension |
STLs/Locking Plate v1.0.stl | stl |
STLs/Follower v1.0.stl | stl |
STLs/Base Plate v1.0.stl | stl |
STLs/30rd Body v1.0.stl | stl |
STLs/10rd Body v1.0.stl | stl |
STEP/MP5 Mag DMB and Taggert.step | step |
Images/Render.png | png |
Images/Pic 3.jpg | jpg |
Images/Pic 2.jpeg | jpeg |
Images/Pic 1.jpg | jpg |
readme.txt | txt |
metadata.txt | txt |
MP5 Mag ReadMe.pdf |
Version: 1.0.0 latest
initial upload
MP5 Mags by DannyMeatball and J Taggert
Included in the file pack are 10 & 30rd MP5 patterned magazines.
The 10rd version has been tested with a 10rd Beretta magazine spring, and the 30rd version has been tested with an assortment of 30-33rd springs from different platforms.
These mags have been tested in many platforms as well:
Dec 30, 2023
3D Printer
United States
File | Extension |
STLs/Locking Plate v1.0.stl | stl |
STLs/Follower v1.0.stl | stl |
STLs/Base Plate v1.0.stl | stl |
STLs/30rd Body v1.0.stl | stl |
STLs/10rd Body v1.0.stl | stl |
STEP/MP5 Mag DMB and Taggert.step | step |
Images/Render.png | png |
Images/Pic 3.jpg | jpg |
Images/Pic 2.jpeg | jpeg |
Images/Pic 1.jpg | jpg |
readme.txt | txt |
metadata.txt | txt |
MP5 Mag ReadMe.pdf |
Version: 1.0.0 latest
initial upload
The files shown on this site are only available to U.S. Persons, as defined at 22 C.F.R. 120.15. The files are also not available to persons outside the United States or to residents of and persons in the State of New Jersey, with the exception of Federal Firearms Licensees.