"Soviet Skewer" 10mm AKM Spike Bayonet: Laffs Dynamics
10mm diameter rod variant of the original Laffs Dynamics Soviet Skewer AKM Spike Bayonet.
Filament Recommended: Glass Filled Nylon, Carbon Fiber Nylon
Print Settings:
First Layer Print Height: .20mm
Standard Layer Height: .16mm
Wall Thickness: .40
Wall Perimeters: 8+
Infill: 50%+
Support Material Percentage: 20%
Supports only needed for under the locking tab for the bayonet lug.
Print the mount on it's front face.
Hardware Needed:
*10mm x 300mm Steel Rod (Recommended to cut down to 275mm)
*2 Part Epoxy
Tools Needed:
*40 Grit Sandpaper (Rough tip forming)
*150 Grip Sandpaper (Fine tip forming and surface finishing)
*Sanding Belt (Optional, if you don't want to hand sand, and have one.)
*Rotary Tool
*Rotary Tool Sanding Drum (For rounding the spike tip)
Due to the heat given off from firing an AK, it's highly recommended this design be treated as a: "No ammo left,
affix bayonets!", type tool. The muzzle ring is overbuilt to handle impact and some heat stress, and should be
fine being attached whilst firing a small amount of rounds, but mag dumping will inevitably melt the muzzle ring.
File | Extension |
Soviet Skewer 10mm.zip | zip |
Version: 1.0.0 latest
initial upload
"Soviet Skewer" 10mm AKM Spike Bayonet: Laffs Dynamics
10mm diameter rod variant of the original Laffs Dynamics Soviet Skewer AKM Spike Bayonet.
Filament Recommended: Glass Filled Nylon, Carbon Fiber Nylon
Print Settings:
First Layer Print Height: .20mm
Standard Layer Height: .16mm
Wall Thickness: .40
Wall Perimeters: 8+
Infill: 50%+
Support Material Percentage: 20%
Supports only needed for under the locking tab for the bayonet lug.
Print the mount on it's front face.
Hardware Needed:
*10mm x 300mm Steel Rod (Recommended to cut down to 275mm)
*2 Part Epoxy
Tools Needed:
*40 Grit Sandpaper (Rough tip forming)
*150 Grip Sandpaper (Fine tip forming and surface finishing)
*Sanding Belt (Optional, if you don't want to hand sand, and have one.)
*Rotary Tool
*Rotary Tool Sanding Drum (For rounding the spike tip)
Due to the heat given off from firing an AK, it's highly recommended this design be treated as a: "No ammo left,
affix bayonets!", type tool. The muzzle ring is overbuilt to handle impact and some heat stress, and should be
fine being attached whilst firing a small amount of rounds, but mag dumping will inevitably melt the muzzle ring.
May 10, 2023
Stereolithic object, DIY Project
3D Printer
United States
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
File | Extension |
Soviet Skewer 10mm.zip | zip |
Version: 1.0.0 latest
initial upload
The files shown on this site are only available to U.S. Persons, as defined at 22 C.F.R. 120.15. The files are also not available to persons outside the United States or to residents of and persons in the State of New Jersey, with the exception of Federal Firearms Licensees.