DEFCAD Newsletter - Complete Shuty Line Now Available
August 24, 2021
Welcome to the third issue of the DEFCAD newsletter. This regular sendout continues to keep you informed as we catalog and archive 3D-printed firearms.
Since last issue’s announcement of the cataloging of the Derwood Shuty 9mm pistol files, we now announce the cataloguing of the remaining projects in the Shuty line. This includes the original Shuty v1 by Shadowfall, the Gluty, more WTF-9 / MOD-9 variants, and the FGC-9 Mk1 and Mk2. The Shuty line is a life vein which runs through the heart of 3D-printed gun history, and we are proud to now feature it in full.
These files and many more can be found today at DEFCAD.
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